Testing Feed-Based Ads

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Test feed-based ads (such as Facebook* and Instagram*) in a simulated feed context.

Feed-based media context

A scrolling format is used to test feed-based ads (such as Facebook* and Instagram*.) Ads are exposed as posts in a series of three feeds, with one ad post exposed in each feed.

Ad posts are interactive (respondents can like, comment, share posts) in order to create an accurate media simulation. However, while these scores are recorded they are not the focus of the test. The test is focused on Attention, Branding, Communication, and the Desire to learn more or purchase.

The Dog Lovers survey for feed-based ads.
Other testing formats.

Survey flow

  • Brand equity measures (pre)
  • Ad exposure in media context
  • Unaided category recall
  • Unaided brand recall
  • Aided ad recall
  • Aided ad message, persuasion
  • Brand equity measures (post)

Brand lift scores

All Brand Chek surveys begin and end with the same four brand equity rating questions. The chage in brand equity rating scores from pre to post-ad exposure provides a brand lift for each score. There are four equity areas evaluated in the brand lift scores:

  • familiarity with brand
  • impression of brand
  • interest in brand commmunication
  • interest in purchasing brand

Ad recall scores

All Brand Chek surveys evaluate several recall factors directly after ads have been exposed. There are two recall questions which are not aided by showing the ads(category, brand), and three recall questions which are aided by a partially obstructed version of the ad:

  • category recall (unaided)
  • brand recall (unaided)
  • partial ad execution recall
  • partial ad brand recall
  • partial ad category recall

Ad persuasion scores

All Brand Chek surveys evaluate several persuasion factors after ads have been exposed. There are five questions focused on communication, feelings, and interest. Each question is aided by showing a full (unobstructed) version of the ad:

  • main message of ad
  • feelings about ad
  • product interest based on ad
  • desire to learn more based on ad
  • desire to purchase based on ad

Learn More

Brand Chek pricing components:

  • Annual fee ... $ 10,000 per year
  • Admin fee ... $ 2,000 per survey
  • Recruiting ... ~$ 3,000 per survey*

*Recruiting costs vary by project. Assuming a 40% target incidence rate and n = 200 completed surveys, the recruiting cost should be approximately $3,000 per survey.

For more information, or to schedule a live demonstration, email [email protected], or call 212 645-4024 in the USA.