Test print ads in a simulated magazine context.
A simulated print format is used to test print ads. Full-page or partial-page ads are exposed in the context of artcicles in a mini magazine format.
The artricles are general interest topics sourced from a variety of places, and to the extent it is possible, we seek to match the video content to the demographic group recruited for the survey.
Click here to learn about other testing formats.
All Brand Chek surveys begin and end with the same four brand equity rating questions. The chage in brand equity rating scores from pre to post-ad exposure provides a brand lift for each score. There are four equity areas evaluated in the brand lift scores:
All Brand Chek surveys evaluate several recall factors directly after ads have been exposed. There are two recall questions which are not aided by showing the ads(category, brand), and three recall questions which are aided by a partially obstructed version of the ad:
All Brand Chek surveys evaluate several persuasion factors after ads have been exposed. There are five questions focused on communication, feelings, and interest. Each question is aided by showing a full (unobstructed) version of the ad:
Brand Chek pricing components:
For more information, or to schedule a live demonstration, email [email protected], or call 212 645-4024 in the USA.